Malchut Waxberger

Seder Hoshanot - Pocket Book with clip

SKU: 200


Which might fall to me first? The siddur, the etrog or the lulav", this is the question that everyone asks themselves on the holiday of Sukkot, while reading the Hoshanat. Or rather, anyone who has not yet benefited from the unique patent of the book "The Order of Hoshanat". With the special clip, anyone can easily fasten the book to the hinge and concentrate properly on the order. The booklet is especially arranged in a way that makes it easier to find your way around the order of the hoshanas, about 40 pages, soft cover, printed on shiny chrome pages. Includes the "Hallel" prayer, a special prayer after the beating of the willow, and more... Highly recommended as a small gift for the father of the family and for anyone who wants a more pleasant and comfortable experience in taking the Lulav

Weight: 23g

40 Pages

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